Correction Policy

At Brennig News, we are committed to delivering accurate, fact-based, and responsible journalism. While we strive for perfection, errors may occasionally occur. Our Correction Policy ensures that any inaccuracies are promptly addressed and corrected with full transparency.

1. Identifying Errors

We continuously monitor our content for accuracy and encourage our readers to report any factual errors, typos, or misleading information.

Errors can be reported via email at or through our website’s contact form.

2. Types of Corrections

We categorize corrections based on the nature of the error:

a. Minor Corrections (Typos, Formatting, Spelling Errors)

Small errors that do not impact the meaning of the content may be corrected without a formal correction notice.

b. Factual Errors

If an article contains incorrect information that affects the accuracy of the report, we will correct it promptly and include a correction note at the bottom of the article.

c. Updates for Clarity or Additional Context

If an article is updated to provide more context or new developments, we will mention the update with a timestamp.

d. Retractions

In rare cases where a published article is found to be completely inaccurate or misleading, we may retract it and issue a public notice explaining the reason for the retraction.

3. Correction Process

Once an error is identified, our editorial team reviews the claim and verifies the correct information.

If a correction is needed, it is updated within the article, and a correction note is added at the end, specifying what was changed.

In cases of major errors, a separate correction notice may be published for transparency.

4. Right to Reply

If an individual or organization believes they have been misrepresented in our reporting, they can request a clarification or correction by contacting us.

We will review such requests fairly and update the article if necessary.

5. Commitment to Transparency

All corrections and updates will be handled transparently, ensuring that our readers are aware of the changes made.

We do not remove or hide corrections unless a legal or ethical reason requires the content to be taken down.

6. How to Report an Error

If you spot an error in our content, please contact us with the following details:

  • Article Title & URL
  • Description of the Error
  • Suggested Correction (if applicable)

📧 Email:
🌐 Website:

At Brennig News, we value accuracy and accountability. Your feedback helps us maintain the highest standards of journalism. Thank you for being a part of our trusted news community!

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